Flower Essences: A Clinical Picture

Screen Shot 2016-05-20 at 2.16.20 PMMegan Fuhrman-Wheeler, Certified Herbalist

A practitioner once told me, I would never have gotten through all of my school requirements, if it was not for flower essences.  As a current student clinician at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism, I am glad I was gifted that advice. I entered this year unsure of what was to await me. In the midst of transformation, flower essences were my lifeline, both for myself and my clients. 

Flower essences, as described by the Flower Essence Repertory, are subtle liquid extracts, generally taken in oral form, which are used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body health.In simple terms, flower essences are supportive therapies for your emotional well being. Essences are generally prepared from a sun infusion of either wild or garden flowers. Further dilutions are made from this infusion before it becomes a dosing bottle, for you or a client.

As a new clinician to the field of herbalism, my road of learning hit many bumps and seemingly dead-ends. With the assistance of flower essences I was able to process these emotions and create a desired change. Taking a flower essence formula can be like leaving a cluttered closet and entering a field of lavender. The ability to breath and process is one of the wonderful gifts these remedies deliver.

In addition to personal support, I also find them extremely useful for clients. Flower essences provide a delicate support to the mind and soul. When delivered with the physical support of herbal remedies, these therapies provide your client with a complete physical and emotional protocol.

If you are in the midst of change, needing emotional support, or would like to try something new, I highly suggest contacting with your local flower essence practitioner, or start by exploring yourself.

Listed below are some of my favorite flower essences:

(Descriptions derived from the Flower Essence Repertory)

Elm (Company, Bach): overwhelmed due to lifes responsibilities, to revitalize and re-align with true aims of Higher Self

Oak (Company, Bach): learning to surrender and accept limits, especially for one who has strongly identified with the role of provider or hero

Corn (Company, FES) for contacting the archetype of the Earth Mother; nurturing abilities through physical connection to Earth

Pink Yarrow (Company, FES) oversensitivity due to emotional absorption; feeling and internalizing disturbance from the environment and from others


Flower Essence Repertory. A Comprehensive Guid to the Flower Essences researched by Dr. Edward Bach and by the Flower Essence Society.

By Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz

The Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism, CSCH.


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