Clinical Skills Four-Day Intensive Certificate

24 Hours In-Person

Prerequisites: 100 classroom hours of previous studies in herbalism, or equivalent experience as a practitioner.

Occupational Objective: This seminar provides skills, which would supplement a larger body of education and experience to prepare the student for, or advance them in, the practice of clinical herbalism and nutrition.
The student works in both lecture and collaborative clinical formats to further their clinical skills, including interview skills, case management, and herbal formulation.


Course Costs Tuition* = $ 900 (includes required books)

Application Fee = $ 50

TOTAL = $ 950

*Half Tuition is due with enrollment. Remainder is due by First day of Class.  Travel expenses to the seminar and meals are not included in the above tuition.

Clinical Skills Five-Day Intensive Certificate

30 Hours In-Person

Prerequisites: 100 classroom hours of previous studies in herbalism, or equivalent experience as a practitioner.

Occupational Objective: This seminar provides skills that will supplement a larger body of education and experience to prepare the student for, or advance them in, the practice of clinical herbalism and nutrition.

Seminar Description: The student will work in both lecture and collaborative clinical formats to further their clinical skills, including interview, self-knowledge, case management, and herbal formulation.


Course Costs Tuition* = $ 1050 (includes required books)

Application Fee = $ 50

TOTAL = $ 1100

*Half Tuition is due with enrollment. Remainder is due by First day of Class.  Travel expenses to the seminar and meals are not included in the above tuition.